Who are you?

Jul 11, 2007 20:51

Emotions always stand out to her, especially when she meditates. Something she's been doing a lot of lately. This time something stood out to her, almost called out to her, demanding her attention. The source was quite a distance away which made it all the more impressive that it reached her. It's that strong ( Read more... )

red hood, red robin, raven, jason todd

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last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:12:38 UTC
There was almost a snarl in his breathing as he went along the street. Eyes covered by the shadowing scowl he was clearly showing on his recently cut face. He was not in the mood to deal with much and he finished cataloging the evidence he took back from the recent assassination attempt on his life. But then it came upon him like a fog. A fog on the brain one could say. Almost how someone could feel a calling when receiving something they don't recieve much of or at all.

But it turned. It wasn't natural. It was in a manner but at the same time he felt like he was being watched. Not as if being watched by eyes by by hands. Though he starts to feel his emotions calm, his mind is jumping about a bit more. But finally he stops completely in his tracks and slowly starts to look up.


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:14:48 UTC
Her head tilts. He sensed her. Curious.

She doesn't hide from him. She simply acknowledges his attention.


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:19:51 UTC
And when those eyes finally see her, they narrow a bit. He has an idea who she is. Something different stings to the side of his face though. He can't place it just yet. Those eyes stare from behind the domino mask, but he is ready to grab any of the weapons close to hand if need be.


And his mind does recall who she is. Though more from his files then personal reasons.


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:22:46 UTC

She lowers herself down to street level, seemingly unconcerned about her personal safety.

"Who are you?"


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:26:39 UTC
"No one. Just another guy late for the costume ball. Just another number." He's noticed too much attention brought his way. He's not so much the paranoid type, but this has caught his attention.

"Ya more then likely lookin' for the Bat, or Nightwing, or one of them types. Good luck with that." A slight beating of his heart increases. Raven is what he thinks of one of the good guys, but he also doesn't want to take a chance.


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:29:31 UTC
"I know Nightwing. I have not met Batman. I am not looking for them."

She picks up on his tension, and locks her eyes on him. She doesn't fall to temptation and manipulate what he's feeling, but she does let him know she is aware.

"I found who I was looking for."


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:33:25 UTC
He between two thoughts that feel as natural as blinking. He thinks of pulling his weapon on her and making sure Raven won't be of any concern. The other is to run and he would have some manner or way he might be able to hide. Though it's the unknown that comes to mind first.

"Ya don't even know who I am. Been goin' by names here an there ya can take ya pick. Red Hood. Red Robin. Robin."


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:37:05 UTC
"Ah." She nods.

If she's picked up on the danger she is possibly in, she isn't showing it.

She's read what few files there are on Jason Todd...and his death. The very real fact that he's standing here, very much alive, answers quite a few questions.

Once more, she tilts her head at him.

"I'm not here to hurt you."


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:40:01 UTC
"That's nice. I'm still debatin' on that myself. But for now, what the shit do ya want?" He'd be more at ease but only so much can calm him after all he's been through. More then anything instinct has him at age just due to survivalism.

"So whatcha want?"


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:43:11 UTC
There's that feeling of something fingering through his emotions again as she levels her eyes on him.

"I came to see the source of so much rage and confusion."


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:45:50 UTC
"Ooookay. And now?" His brows raise in a question as he takes one step back with his right foot, though more in a defensive manner and less of a precaution to flee.


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:46:58 UTC
Now she frowns. Finally a reaction from her.

"I told you. I am not here to hurt you. Why do you fear me?"


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:50:58 UTC
"Hard to see, the dark side is. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." A pause as he fishes around in his pocket to pull out a cigarette with one hand and then with the other he lights it. "In other words, I ain't got reason to trust ya worth shit. But fearin' ya isn't somethin' that's the issue."

A bit of an inhale to the smoke in his lungs and then he speaks. "I ain't always been in the best warm fuzzy feelin's for ya kind."


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 01:54:25 UTC
"That is besides the point."

Her chin lifts almost indignantly though it might be a touch of impatience.

"You react to me as if I disapprove of something. This is not the case."


last_joke_x July 12 2007, 01:57:14 UTC
"Well we found out ya wanted to find me. Poof, ya found me. Now what do ya want Raven. I'm one of the lil people an don't have somethin' that'll destroy the world. So what can lil ol' Red do for ya?"


blackest_bird July 12 2007, 02:00:36 UTC
She's quiet for a few moments, observing him without touching him empathically.

In those moments, a keen observer could pick up on something very cold about her, very stoic...and very alone. The moment is broken by a slight movement of her cape.

"I do not know what powers you may or may not have. Nor do I care. You do not pose a danger to me, but to yourself. Perhaps anyone associated with you as well."


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