Blood Ties

Jul 07, 2007 14:05

The mental hospital is about an hour south of Maryland along 95. It wouldn’t have taken that long if he had been keeping up with traffic, but Caleb didn’t really feel the need to break the speed limit by quite that much. After all, if he were in a hurry, he would have simply teleported.

But he isn’t, so he didn’t. Besides, it’s a beautiful day. Why not take Alice for a spin?
She was the prettiest thing in the parking lot, after all. And with all the doctors that work here, that’s saying something.

It’s a dreary building, but then, it’s not exactly a beach resort, now is it? The guard checks him over, but he left the Desert Eagle in the car. Metal detector kept going off over his money clip, though. The look on the guard’s face when he saw that many fifties in a roll - it was worth the hassle.

Well, no really it wasn’t, because there isn’t really anything nice or sodding funny about this whole scenario, but it’s Bird. He isn’t going to turn his back on her, no matter what she’s done.

But given how long he’s been waiting on that couch and surrounded by everybody but Amelia, he’s beginning to wonder if she might not feel differently. You’d never know it to look at him, though.

I wonder what Mara's doing this evening.

amelia zukov, caleb zukov

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