War's End ...

Jun 26, 2007 20:54

I'm called Rip Hunter. That's not my name. No one knows my true name, and I won't even record it here. Too much is at stake, and if it means I die forgotten, then so be it ( Read more... )

rip hunter, obsidian, moon maiden, dawnstar, shining knight, power girl, dr. mid-nite, mr. terrific, forgotten, flash jay garrick, hourman iii, dr. occult, arion, dr. fate, hawkgirl, jj thunder, nightstar, firebrand, jonah hex, per degaton, hourman, wildcat, cyclone, pariah

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jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 00:57:42 UTC
Dawnstar streaks through the sky, her wings spread wide, a laser rifle poised in her hands as she strikes at the encroaching ships, swerving at their retaliatory fire.

"This is war, Rip Hunter. We swore to fight to the bitter end, and we will. But I have not yet abandoned hope."


mari_grayson June 27 2007, 01:04:36 UTC
"If we die, then we die," says Nightstar, her face somehow grim and joyous at the same time. "I will not be ashamed to face my ancestors when X'hal gathers me in ... and I think we shall all take a fine honor guard with us to bear witness to what happens here and now."


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 01:11:38 UTC
"All right then," says Hunter, with a slight, weary chuckle. "Let's show them how The Forgotten Heroes fight."

And with the push of a button, Vanishing Points' defenses lash out, force beams tearing into a ship, obliterating it.

But there's thousands where it came from.


mari_grayson June 27 2007, 01:19:40 UTC
In space, no one can hear you scream, but Nightstar gives cry regardless, shouting ancient Tamaranean battle slogans as starbolts fly from her hands.


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 01:53:47 UTC
Dawnstar's no less fierce. Zigging and zagging between the starships, no one can get a bead on her. But the beams are getting closer, even as a well-aimed blast from her gun leaves one a floating pile of scrap metal.


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 01:55:33 UTC
Hunter trains the defenses on another target and fires. Another enemy gone, thousands left. And still no sign of Degaton himself. If they could take him down, then a loss here is worthwhile.

He's lost touch with so many of his soldiers. Arion, Hex, Moon Maiden, Hourman. All time-lost. They're not powerful enough to do this. Not on their own.


doctorfatejsa June 27 2007, 02:09:47 UTC
But they are not on their own. Suddenly, the sky -- which is really a place on the outside of time, but that's just semantics -- is filled with a golden light.

And from that light emerges first The Champion of Order, descending on Degaton's forces with the wrath of long-forgotten gods.

And behind him, still more silhouettes.


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 02:10:38 UTC
"Yes!" shouts Hunter. "It worked! They're here!"


mari_grayson June 27 2007, 02:10:18 UTC
She can shrug off the smaller energy bolts and dodge the larger ones, but the tiny debris zipping through space is harder to avoid, and as the battle continues, the system gets dirtier.

Still, she keeps fighting. In memory of her parents. For the sake of her shieldbrothers and shieldsisters. Because she had sworn an oath to stand as sword and shield against this enemy.


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 02:12:17 UTC
Dawnstar is no less determined, but she falls as a laser blast singes her wing -- she screams as she falls. Alive, but wounded.

And then the bright glow fills the sky.


mari_grayson June 27 2007, 02:30:00 UTC
"What?" Nightstar wheels, blinking at the light, trying to focus.


jla_goldenage June 27 2007, 02:35:39 UTC
And from the light emerges a shadow of a winged horse, rode by an armored man, wielding a sword.

Winged Victory races bast the blasts toward the fallen Dawnstar, allowing its owner, The Shining Knight, to catch her.

"Ho, Vanishing Point!" he screams. "For honor! For Justice! I say thee this battle will not be lost!


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 03:44:50 UTC
"Yeah, we ain't quite done here yet." comes the voice like gravel from the next flash of light.

Hex points out the threats to those he arrived with, does the quick version of an explanation of who is on which side, then pulls Michael aside.

"This is just a distraction, Degaton always has one. We got the big guns out there... so those of us that're a little less spaceworthy need to try and think ahead, figger out what Degaton's next move is."


the_hawkgirl June 27 2007, 03:56:41 UTC
Hawkgirl floats in place, taking in the war scene in front of her. She lifts her mace up high and with an unheard warrior's cry flies into battle, zigging and zagging and swinging her mace with her finesse.

She was born to do this. More than half of her just needs to accept this.


kara_zor_l June 27 2007, 04:02:21 UTC
Power Girl.

Kara Zor-L.

Last living daughter of an entire universe destroyed.

"You guys can do the figuring out stuff crap," she says, emerging from the light. "I'm going out there to kick some ass and take some names."

She follows Hawkgirl out into the fray.


jla_forgotten June 27 2007, 04:12:22 UTC
They are not alone, as mystic force gives them cover in their attack strife.

Arion, Lord of Atlantis, releases a maelstrom of energy.

"It is good to see you've found yourself at last, Kara Zor-L."


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