Conversations with a rabbit are always fun...

Jun 07, 2007 18:36

He's in a new flat now. It's got amenities like windows in one piece and furniture that's not made out of cardboard and old mattresses. In fact it's perilously close to having class with new furniture and cleanly painted walls.

It's been years since he's cleaned up this much and the shocked looks on faces around him were grimly funny to watch as they tried to figure out what he was up to.

He used to be a mover, a player. John used to be the game and not just a rag doll puppet of it.

Well, he was back in form now.

The bookies of London weren't exactly eager to take his bets but the impossibly high odds he bet on tempted them into it. The newer blokes never did believe the old hands at just how damn lucky he can be anyway. They believe now of course. It's easier to believe after one shabby mage takes you to the cleaners on a 1000 to 1 odds bet twice in one day.

So he is standing in the middle of his new flat with Silk Cut in hand staring at the cage holding Midnight. There is absolutely no expression in his pale blue eyes as he mulls over the thoughts that have been with him for a few days now.

"Just how tired are you of bein' a bunny anyroad mate?"

papa midnight, john constantine

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