Arkham Asylum.

Apr 29, 2007 01:29

The Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

Criminally insane.

Ghost stories, horror tales, bloody rampages, broken souls, never to be mended.

It's been so long. Nothing has changed.

Criminally insane.

Harvey Dent doesn't belong here anymore. Once, he fit right in - another sedated, drooling psychopath muttering in a cage. Waiting for the next break-out. The next 'experimental therapy.' The next payoff, the next brokered deal between dirtbags who had no intention of keeping their promises.

Now, it's alien and familiar to him at the same time. He fears this place - he knows what it does to people. His last hope is that he's off the path, he'd broken his routines and vicious circles, and he was strong enough to hold this place off, for however long he has to remain here. Serve his time for Batman's crime, then move on in peace.

A slim hope at best.

He's walked down the central corridor, past all the cells, down toward his own. Time to see who's who these days...

two-face, arkham asylum, ventriloquist, riddler, poison ivy, harley quinn

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