Atlanta, Georgia

Mar 15, 2007 15:48

Mr. Terrific was able to draw at least one connection between most of those attacked. The first three -- Nightstar, Lady Quark and Invisible Kid -- were from alternate universes, lost in this world through the quirk of interdimensional travel.

The attacks on Cyclone and Power Girl, he had less answer for, but he was bound and determined to find out. In the meantime, he charged Power Girl to lead a team to track down others known to originate from ... elsewhere.

The list was logner than you'd think. The Legion members were easy to find, and likely self-sufficient. The heroine Harbinger, once the assistant to The Monitor, was living on Themyscria, surrounded by Amazons. Probably safe, for the moment.

But one man, sighted recently in Atlanta, Georgia, assisting STAR Labs with a particle tracking technology, rocketed to the top of Terrific's potential target list ...

wonder woman hippolyta, power girl, dr. mid-nite, firebrand, amazing man, johnny quick, forgotten, wildcat, cyclone, pariah

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