
Dec 29, 2006 21:35

Creote has waited a few days after noticing that Savant's disappearance was unnnatural. No longer ( Read more... )

creote, huntress, oracle, into the lion's den

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sexy_huntress December 31 2006, 22:38:21 UTC
Half an hour later, Huntress is at the apartment, looking for any clues as to Savant's disappearance. No signs of a struggle. His medication's untouched, which probably means he wasn't planning on being gone, which indicates foul play. His wardrobe, what little of it there is, is undisturbed. She sighs as she pauses in the doorway of the bedroom, and activates her commlink.

"O, I've got nothing here." And Savant and Creote's enemy list is a mile long.


oracle_watching January 1 2007, 04:00:08 UTC
"Security footage from his apartment isn't showing anything unusual ... running diagnostics now to rule out tampering."


sexy_huntress January 2 2007, 00:30:09 UTC
"So he probably got jumped while he was outside. Which doesn't make this easier."


oracle_watching January 2 2007, 00:33:58 UTC
"No." Silence for a few seconds. "I can access some of the security cameras in the area, but I'd prefer to start the search in areas where he was likely to patrol. Do you know anything about his favorite route or routes?"


sexy_huntress January 2 2007, 00:45:06 UTC
She glances over at the tall Russian. "Did Savant have any particular routes to patrol or just walk near here? Somewhere that might have traffic surveillance cameras?"


love_of_duty January 2 2007, 02:16:21 UTC
"Definitely routes. I am...unsure about the cameras, however. He would avoid them if at all possible.

"I do know his 'patrol' routes, however. I can examine them and see if I can find a trace."


sexy_huntress January 2 2007, 02:25:36 UTC
"No time like the present," she replies. In truth, she knows Creote won't stop until they turn up something. Huntress heads for the door. "Let's go."


love_of_duty January 2 2007, 02:47:18 UTC
Creote's behind her until they get to the street, and then he's leading the way. Up and down alleys, down poorly-lit streets...some places she knows, others not so well, perhaps. There are few signs of anything out of the ordinary taking place, but in a place like this, even the ordinary is to be investigated.

Though, one of the alleys does have some strange mud-like substance on the bricks. It hasn't rained in a few days, and even if it had, where the soil have come from for mud? And how would it even get on the bricks?


sexy_huntress January 2 2007, 02:56:59 UTC
Huntress looks upwards as she steps up next to Creote to see if it poured down from a gutter, perhaps. Nothing. She reaches out, touching the substance with a gloved finger, and brings it to her nose as she rubs it between her fingers. The smell is one that brings memories to life instantly, the texture reminiscent of an old foe.

"Clayface." The name comes with her trademark scowl. But why him? Savant and Creote's blackmail racket wouldn't bother him. But if he were working for someone else...


oracle_watching January 2 2007, 03:00:40 UTC
She doesn't have to wait long for Oracle's reaction. "Clayface? Dammit ... who could've hired him...."

It is not a rhetorical question. She's busy checking for a money trail.


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