Ivy Town University

Dec 01, 2006 20:14

It's a cold, drizzly Autumn day in Ivy Town, so Chronos doesn't look particularly out of place in a trenchcoat and wide-brimmed hat. It doesn't make him more comfortable, though. Coming here was stupid. Rainbow Raider stupid. Bug-Eyed Bandit stupid.

But he had to see.

The makeshift memorial outside the physics departmetn is overflowing with flowers and phtographs of the diminutive hero. A lot of people loved him -- especially his students. "Hell," though Chronos. "Even I don't hate the guy. I mean, not like that."

His earlier exuberance at the news of Palmer's death had faded, having been replaced with a couple grudging truths.

The first was that, although the two of them had sparred with each other more than anyone else, he had never managed to really hurt Palmer. No, the only one who had ever managed that was Loring. The tell-all biography, murdering the Dibny chick, and now ... Well, now he wasn't sure.

The second thing he realized was that he was going to be the other prime suspect. They'd come after him on principle. ... and Deathstroke makes it worse. If his actions compromise the Society, turning himself in to the Justice League would look prefferable. He didn't think they could protect him, though.

The last thing he realized was that something seemed wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was out of whack. But sometimes his sense of when things happened was ... off.

It's daylight. There's a couple dozen students around, paying respects. Whole bunch are cute co-eds.

"Wonder how many Palmer banged?" he mumbled, under his breath. "I mean there's altruistic and then there's just plain stupid."

suicide notes, firestorm, chronos, atom, martian manhunter

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