In the Light

Nov 23, 2006 03:05

Between the worlds and in a world of white light, Greta Hayes wanders. The thin robe she was wearing has been replaced with an outfit she last saw stuffed in a box beneath her bed. The brown jacket and white pants trails behind her, comforting in its familiarity as she wanders.

Her last coherent memories are in the Brownstone; Dr Mid-Nite's strong arms picking her up and carrying her to the med lab, the feeling that everything around her was too cold while she was too hot, and a throbbing pain throughout her body as if her veins were on fire. After that are fleeting images of a room with other kids, and the feeling like she was slipping into or out of a dream. Now she's here, though she has no idea where 'here' might be. The pain has been replaced with a feeling of contentment, and her mind takes in the swirling clouds of fog that envelope her with a clarity she's never experienced before. Everything around her seems crisp and new, more substantial and real than anything has ever been. More real and solid than even herself. The light in front of her is like nothing she's ever seen, and without realizing it her wandering turns to a path in the direction of the illumination.

As she nears it it occurs to her that in spite of the brilliance she can look directly into the light and see clearly, and as she gets close enough to make out a flight of steps leading upward, she can see the silhouette of a person standing there. The feeling of calm and contentment doesn't leave her, but worry starts to creep in for no apparent reason.


deadman, phantom stranger, secret

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