All villains are equal, but some are more equal than others

Nov 15, 2006 20:38

Alcatraz was cracked open and the prisoners spilled free eagerly, but not everyone was spirited off the Rock. Some prisoners had only themselves to blame for that: they were too distracted by the chance to take revenge against the guards or the prison itself to grasp the larger freedom that awaited them across the Bay. As for the rest of the ( Read more... )

aquaman, black knight one, oracle, king shark, troia, knockout, typhoon, d-bomb, fadeaway man, shiv, beast boy, starfire, robin, nightstar, arsenal, jesse quick, speedy, kid flash, superboy, titans, nightwing, hellhound, cry for justice, hyena, flamebird

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jessequick November 16 2006, 19:23:02 UTC
Jesse is in the air, racing toward trouble with rebreather and goggles firmly in place. At the speeds she's capable of showing in flight, she wants nothing to do with the stuff Nightwing intends to use to thin out the numbers. "Incoming," she mutters to hereslf, fists forward.

The wind does not feel great against the swollen lump that is her left cheek, but what the hell. From what she saw in the Watchtower, she got off light.

No pun intended at all.


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 19:34:17 UTC
As she nears the mainland, the wind picks up abruptly. She can smell ozone just before lightning leaps towards her.


jessequick November 16 2006, 19:48:31 UTC
Lightning is fast, but Jesse is Quick...with a capital Q. She diverts her course in an acute upward swing, away from the bolt, and spins around to look for its source.


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 20:10:55 UTC
In the sky above her is a giant of a man. The lower half of his body is concealed by the whirlwind propelling him through the air. He gives her a feral grin, then spreads his arms wide.

"Dodge these."

Hailstones begin falling, driven by the unnatural wind to speeds seldom seen in nature, and rarely in California.


jessequick November 16 2006, 20:19:53 UTC
Jesse looks at the whirlwind, then at the hailstones - those are going to hurt - and starts flying toward the giant...but corkscrewing her body at superspeed in the process. Hopefully most of the stones will shatter before getting near her thanks to the wind buffets, and she can take this fight to her enemy.


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 20:27:01 UTC
Some of the hailstones shatter, while others fly away from Jesse and her teammates. Still others are driven back towards Typhoon. He roars as some of the ice fragments sting his skin. "Damned speedster!" A huge storm-colored hand swings towards her, as if he is swatting a gnat out of the sky.


jessequick November 16 2006, 20:43:57 UTC
She doesn't get hit by the hand so much as the turbulence it causes, but the worst of the damage is that she is thrown several feet away in the sky. "I really don't have time for this crap," she states icily, hovering a moment before commencing her spin again, this time more deliberately to send back to Typhoon what he's sent toward her.


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 20:47:28 UTC
He staggers mid-air as she returns more of his hailstones to him. As he recovers, his hand comes up again, this time not to strike her but to send more lightning her way. "I hate smart-ass blondes," he growls.


jessequick November 16 2006, 21:19:51 UTC
The first bolt is dodged, the second, capricious as it is in it movement, skates along her side and leg and knocks her downward in an uncontrolled fall.

Jesse lets go a very sharp sound of pain couched in a solid "Shit!" of frustration.


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 21:22:42 UTC
Typhoon grins in triumph, following her descent. "I think I'll wash your mouth out." He gestures dramatically, and a heavy splattering rain starts to fall.


jessequick November 16 2006, 21:36:14 UTC
A handful of yards above the Bay, Jesse's muscles stop reacting to the electrical bolt that just carved a burn on her flank, and she barks another profanity before shooting up toward Typhoon, fists gripped tightly and out in front of her.

Let's see how well he gets out of the way of someone moving at several hundred miles an hour.


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 21:50:18 UTC
Her aim is true. His reflexes aren't up to coping with her speed, and he's too big to dodge. He roars in pain as she strikes him.


jessequick November 16 2006, 22:03:59 UTC
"Feel like a swim?" Jesse hisses in his ear as she wraps her aroms around him on contact, intending to turn and shoot them both toward the choppy waters of the Bay below. "Yeah, I bet you do."


jla_alcatraz November 16 2006, 22:06:38 UTC
"I--" His giant form starts to dwindle. The color of his skin changes to something more human and less like a creature of thunder and wind. He looks very groggy.


jessequick November 16 2006, 22:16:34 UTC
At the last minute Jesse redirects her flight toward land, and once close enough she hurls Typhoon onto the pavement. Superspeed and superstrength are no fun for a bad guy. "Have a seat, ace," she calls as she spins around to find the next foe.

He shouldn't be moving anytime soon.


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