All villains are equal, but some are more equal than others

Nov 15, 2006 20:38

Alcatraz was cracked open and the prisoners spilled free eagerly, but not everyone was spirited off the Rock. Some prisoners had only themselves to blame for that: they were too distracted by the chance to take revenge against the guards or the prison itself to grasp the larger freedom that awaited them across the Bay. As for the rest of the ( Read more... )

aquaman, black knight one, oracle, king shark, troia, knockout, typhoon, d-bomb, fadeaway man, shiv, beast boy, starfire, robin, nightstar, arsenal, jesse quick, speedy, kid flash, superboy, titans, nightwing, hellhound, cry for justice, hyena, flamebird

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blackknightone November 16 2006, 05:09:37 UTC
A riot in Alcatraz, and not a Titan in sight.

He ignores the sense that somehow he is being tested ...manipulated. The images show a task that rings very true to his heart...something he did before getting mixed up into espionage. He races down the hallway, looking for anything that reminds him of the exit or a sign the Titans had been there. Outside, he sees the smoke from the Prison at least this isn't a trick. From his hip holster he pulls out a pair of binoculars and scans the Alcatraz shore line. On the West side of the island you could see alot of fighting and metahuman activity. Mostly overpowering guards and either turn on or helping each other. Coming into view from the east side of the island small yellow life rafts slowly bounce along the waves, overloaded with passengers. If he remembered correctly, the piers on Titan's Island were by Starfire's garden. He takes one more look around the Island for any sign of the Titan's then runs off toward the pier.

Slater throws off the moorings of a jet ski and speeds at the yellow inflatible rafts. Those prisoners will get a choice today, go back to Alcatraz Island or swim back. It would be impossible to regain control of the island alone, but it could be possible to prevent most of them from reaching the mainland.


jla_villains November 16 2006, 12:27:35 UTC
As he draws closer to the nearest inflatable raft, he can see that it carries only one prisoner, who is looking back at Alcatraz and laughing wildly as the powered raft speeds towards shore.


blackknightone November 16 2006, 22:22:40 UTC
The jetski roars to full power as Slater turns the vehicle in pursuit of the raft. He intends to speed past the raft, tearing it open with the blade in his arm holster.


jla_villains November 16 2006, 22:29:34 UTC
The prisoner finally realizes he should watch where he's going when the roar of the jetski fills his ears. "Wha?" He tries to steer the raft away from the oncoming Checkmate Knight, but maneuverability is not the raft's greatest feature, and he is not the most experienced of sailors.


blackknightone November 16 2006, 23:07:21 UTC
The blade rips across the raft as he passes. Slater turns the vehicle around leaving about 15 feet between him and the now sinking raft.

"You better get clear of the raft before it wraps itself around you! Hard to swim back to Alcatraz while wrapped in plastic!"


jla_villains November 17 2006, 00:16:54 UTC
"Wha--I can't swim!" the prisoner screams in panic, thrashing around as the raft sinks.


blackknightone November 17 2006, 00:27:00 UTC
Slater starts pulling cord from his arm holster, his first instinct is that this guy really can swim and is trying to get the Jetski. Worse-case would be that he's a meta looking for an advantage. Let this guy tread water a little, it will take the desire to escape from him.


jla_villains November 17 2006, 00:34:30 UTC
The prisoner's thrashings become even more desperate as the raft deflates, sinking into the Bay beneath him. "Please!" he screams, his voice reaching an impossibly high pitch. His face begins to sprout feathers, and his hands begin to shift as well, resembling an eagle's talons. "Please, help! Help!"


blackknightone November 17 2006, 00:53:50 UTC
It's hard to stick to a plan that is so obviously cruel. This prisoner being a metahuman makes the decision to help more difficult. If this guy really can't swim, his taloned hands wouldn't be able to even dog-paddle. If the feathers were not coated like a ducks, they'll water-log and he'll drop like a rock.

"Grab the line, I'll drag you back to the beach. Anything funny and I'll leave you in the bay."


jla_villains November 17 2006, 00:56:22 UTC
"God, no, I swear I won't, nothin' like that, y'can't let me drown--" The prisoner babbles as he grabs for the line. "Or let the shark eat me, man. The shark, he likes his meat raw."


blackknightone November 17 2006, 01:04:38 UTC
"Trust me, I can let you drown!" a matter of false bravado to secure in the mind of the inmate that I am not his friend and I am in control of this situation. Typical police tactic. He tosses the line from his arm holster and begins to rev the Jetski engine.

What the heck did he mean...Shark?


jla_villains November 17 2006, 01:08:30 UTC
"No, no, please don't let me drown." The prisoner glances over his shoulder. In the distance, a dorsal fin can be seen cutting the water.

"Take me back," he says, spitting out more water. "I don't mind the Birdman jokes. Not if it means not drowning."


blackknightone November 17 2006, 01:12:49 UTC
"Holy..." he revs the engine harder toward Barker's Beach, dragging the Birdman of Alcatraz behind him.


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