Nighfall in Gotham.

Oct 22, 2006 17:37

The curtains are drawn in the windows of Rupert Thorne's penthouse, so there isn't much to see.

Provided you don't own goggles that can track heat signatures.

The Bat does.

The corpulent lump is sleeping. Not solidly. No, the slug has not had a good night's sleep in many weeks now.

That brings a smile to the culprit's face.

The temptation to barge in there and harass him once again tonight is strong, but he must not overplay his hand.

In a few days' time, his empire will come crumbling down on his head, and the One True Bat will be there to watch him suffocate beneath its weight.

This, he knows. This will be his true victory over Wayne.

strange bedfellows, hugo strange, kathy duquesne

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