May 23, 2006 21:42
This week has been really busy, but really fun. Went to see the 10:30 showing of The Davinci Code with Kaci, Alaina, Alex, Andrew, Corey, and Eric on Friday night. We got our tickets and hung around the mall, which was a lot of fun. The movie was pretty good, but nowhere near the book's caliber. They changed a few things around in the movie so I was freaking out to Kaci and Alaina. Tom Hanks made a better Robert Langdon than I thought he would. He would have been better if they didn't give him a mullet! Thats just my opinion. Anyways, the movie didn't get out until around 12:30ish. I got home around 1 and just crashed.
Saturday was the bottle drive. It just reminded me of just how much I hate bottle drives. It smells, its sticky, its cold, and it was just a really long, really bad way to spend your day. I went home and took a shower right away around 4. Then went to Niskaday with Kaci, Alaina, Alex, Mike, Corey, and Eric. Eric had the bright idea of bringing the dog along. He lets the dog out and calls Nuggets over to the car. Of course he gets into a discussion and loses her within 5 minutes. But it was fine, because she was safe and sound...right in front of the car! Kudos to you Eric lol. It was really cold and when the fireworks started, Nuggets was so scared and started to bark at the fireworks. Went back to the Palleschis' where we had cake in honor of Alaina's birthday, even though it was on Sunday. We had rootbeer floats with lactose free ice cream
Sunday was the robo picnic. I saw Mike for the 1st time in a long time. We talked for a while when I got there. It was raining and icky, and I lost as Risk. I hate it when people gang up against me. You know, just because I own half the world, doesn't mean that everyone should form an alliance with each other and attack the Asian! Anyways, it was a fun game. The day ended up to be a pretty nice one. The sun came out and we played some tennis before heading back to the picnic site. Went to the Palleschis' for some Halo and about half of Eurotrip before I had to go home. What a good day.
I have a boyfriend. Isn't that weird? But pretty cool all at the same time. My mom absolutely loves Nick, and unexpectedly was pretty laid back about it all, so all I have to do is tell my dad. That won't be too hard...right?