I wake up somewhere outside of Atlanta. We've apparently already stopped at a gas station where my dad got me a Mountain Dew, good timing too, I was thirsty. As I look up my father is looking intensely at the road, a nutty buddy in one hand, a Dr. Wham! (Dr. Pepper rip-off brand.) in the other. Abba Gold is blaring, we've just hit Atlanta traffic, and my old man is got this maddening gleam in his eye. Ms. Judy is driving her '05 Thunderbird somewhere ahead of us, and now it's my job to be navigater and keep her informed our position with a 2-way short wave radio. RVing is serious business. We make it out of Atlanta, barely, and make it about 10 miles out when we stop in a little town to find where we'll be staying for the night. We park in a mini-mall parking lot, my dad taking up 4 spots with his monster of a vehicle. We climb in the back so we can his computer and so I can chug a beer before we head out on the road again. After about another 15 miles or so, we have to stop to get gas. In this place clearly designed for 18 wheelers, we, the weekend riders of the trade pull up. Horns are blaring and tensions flare of people trying to get in, get gat, and go. Its there I saw not one, not two, but an entire family (nearly) of mullet wearing, NASQAR raving, Heart of Dixie looking rednecks, all come piling out of this 18 wheeler. I don't know if it was the smell of Diesel which soaked the ground, or the mere sight of this walking in-breeding program that made me push down the "nutty bunches of oats," which I ate for breakfast. The sooner we left there, the better. Now we're driving the place where we plan to stay for the evening. "Sunset Park" in Lovania, GA. After the first look at the manager of the facilities, I could tell this 70 year old ex-state trooper would be an annoyance. His attempts at wise-cracks and his doing everything but call me fat, didn't go unnoticed by Dad or myself. I think he was even hitting on miss Judy… kinda sad really. After hooking up the plumbing, electricity, and getting a bite to eat. I now sit content, under the air-conditioning which is a god-send in this unbearable heat. Now pop's just got the T.V. going and I find it hard to focus on this anymore so I'll end it here, and pick it up tomorrow.
Also, check out this band
SORAIA Which is a local philly band which I looked up, and am really digging