What`s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?"Da Nine"
That's right. You're hardcore and prefer to keep your hands clean. Catch anyone messin' with you, and you'll bust out your nine and cap their bitch ass
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October 12, 1998
Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me ...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.
~ Shel Silverstein
Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.
What will you do to end the silence?
Click here to post this on your own page or weblog i'm going to die. i'm booked solid until i get off work sunday at 6, and then i'll have to do hw. i'm not gonna have the energy this weekend... better go to bed now.