Road to Guantanamo - anyone seen that movie?
I read an
article about it and though the article was very critical it encouraged me to read more about the movie. Opinions on it seem to differ quite a bit, though:
A 'courageous' docudrama- America haters rejoice!OH MY GOD! Held two years in Gitmo!; forced to listen to horrible western rock music, no sleep and slapped around no less- and the constant questioning - over and over again!
Now they are out and suing the US government- hey they got a lawyer! Maybe part of the suit is that the guards also put the Mecca direction mark in the wrong place and laughed when they prayed facing Graceland? Or maybe they really TOUCHED the Koran given to the inmates BEFORE putting on white gloves when giving them their copy……and forced to eat three meals a day, of what the infidel American's call food!
I wonder if the two American soldiers just recently captured brutally beaten, tortured, mutilated, beheaded and burned would have traded their fate for the The Tipton Three?
An absolute must-seeEven if a third of what the Tipton Three alleged to have happened to them is true, that should outrage all Americans.
But since there seems to be this belief - perpetuated by Dubya and his cronies - that this administration is somehow doing all this to protect us Americans from the bad guys, there is no outrage that we torture prisoners, hold them without charges or access to counsel, deprive them of civil liberties, all in the name of security. What poppycock!
Michael Winterbottom's film does not answer an important question - exactly what kind of "help" were these three chaps going to provide in Afghanistan? However, what happened to them should embarrass all of us.