(no subject)

Nov 04, 2007 13:42

Guess who has a fever now?????

Big huge thanks to everyone on my FL for giving me advice. Logically I know that nothing matters more than the health of my family (and myself). Everything else is just small stuff and there's no point in sweating it. As I said to phaenix_ash's comment, there is light at the end of the tunnel if I chose to see it.

I stayed up for a bit last night after everyone else had turned in so I could read a few chapters for the class I have the final in. I have one more chapter to read for that class and I'll do that today.

I was granted an extension on my 8-10 page case study - so now it is due on either Sunday or Monday. I will work on this throughout the week and if I can have it done by Thursday great and if not, then oh well, I'll turn it in on Sunday or Monday. The readings I have for this class are of no consequence because there is no final in this class.

The other two papers I have to write are only 5 pages and I will not be finished with my observations for one of these papers until the 13th so it can't be done until then anyway.

As far as school goes, I feel a bit better. Thanks for reminding me mama_gryphon that I don't have to get straight A's. Again, logically I know this but it gets lost somewhere I guess. I can't get a C - not because of my own perfectionist issues but because two C's and I'm dropped from the program.

Biz seems to be doing better. We'll try to give her some more formula later today. Poor thing hasn't eaten really since Wednesday. She hasn't thrown up at all today though (knock on wood).

Val seems to be doing better as well. He literally slept for 90% of the day yesterday.

In other news....my dad will be flying out here to stay at our place while I'm in Colorado for 3 weeks and Val is in India. He'll be here for a week before I leave and a week after I return so he can spend some time with Biz. Hopefully he can try to find a job while he's here!

My sister will be joining the Christmas celebration at my mom's. I haven't seen my sister for almost 2 years. We'll see how that goes.
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