Hello. It's been a fair bit of time since my last post in this community and it is a shame considering i put years into building it into what it was and letting it die the way it did... I am apologetic.
"After a long time" this one is for you, annonymous.
VO. たぁ [TAA] GT. さゆき [SAYUKI] Gt. ユキ [YUKI] BA. 隆佑 [RYUSUKE] DR. 真己 [MANAMI]
O F F I C I A L W E B S I T E O F F I C I A L M Y S P A C ETaken from their MySpace - Taa(Vo) and Yu-ki(Ba) entered the same high school in Aomori. They made a band performing as medical team that became the origin of LuLu.
After graduating from high school, Taa took Yu-ki to Tokyo, then they begun to look for the remainder of the crew. They don't call themselves as a "band", but as "General hospital" and they call their "visitors" as "Patients". Their live music shows are called "Meeting of medical examinations". They wear medical costume and play music, called "Medication".
They carry their policy of the band as medical group through.
They will be a world wide medical treatment group soon. - A better biography of the band? Contact me via this post.
[2009.04.08] Shikisai Shoku
01. Shikisai
02. Ketsueki Bansan Kai
03. Genjitsu Fukanshou
04. Miss Iryou
05. Sabireta Mes
06. End Roll
://DOWNLOAD [2008.11.05] Seishin Chintsuu Zai
01. Seishin chintsuu zai
02. Fumin Yaku
03. Deep Blue
04. Kindanshoujou
://DOWNLOAD + PV | Seishin Chintsuuzai
File Details: size [257 MB] time [7:23] format [.avi]
Download Part: [
Due to Mediafires restrictions for free registrant users, i can only upload 100MB per file. Therefore, the parts are split to 80MB per part. Join with HJ Split.
[2008.11.05] Genjitsu Fukanshou
01. Gen Minoru Shou
02. RUDE
03. Sick
04. カルテ'180
://DOWNLOAD [2008.08.06] 日本医療革命 ~nippon iryou kakumei~ | credit:
JMUSIC OVERDOSE 01. 溺愛クランケ (Dekiai Kuranke)
02. 過触症 (Ka Shoku Shou)
03. 脆く儚い心の臓 (Zei Ku Hakanai Kokoro no Zou)
04. 緊縛カテーテル (Album Version)(Kin Baku Kate^Teru)
05. ミセスコニーの苦 (Misesukoni^ No Kunou)
06. 症例官能アレルギー (Shourei Kannou Arerugi^)
07. CTモザイク (CT Mozaiku)
08. 遺書 (Isho)
09. メンヘラヴィーナス (Menheravi^Nasu)
10. 精神鎮痛剤 (Seishin Chintsuuzai)
://DOWNLOAD [2008.07.23] Kusuri
01. Isho
02. Horumarin suisou
03. Isho (Karaoke)
://DOWNLOAD [2008.07.23] Doku
01. Kin Baku Kateteru
02. Hakudaku Mousou Teritori
03. Kin Baku Kateteru(Karaoke)
://DOWNLOAD [2008.04.23] Dr. Sterben
01. Shourei:Kannou Allergy
02. Seishin Chintsuuzai
03. Dr. Sterben
04. Goshin≒Kakushin
05. Nounai VTR to Saisei Botan
06. Ishi Michi
://DOWNLOAD [2007.04.09] Daizero Schuchu Chiryo
01. Momohide Sou Kaishin
02. Genjitsu Fukanshou (Stage 4)
03. Kurushi Magire
05. 9x13
07. Seishin Chintsuuzai (O.D.)
08. Shourei. Kannou Arerugii
09. Dekiai Kuranke
10. Terminal Care
://DOWNLOAD I'll finish re-uploading previous posts shortly. Stay in touch
▸▸ i kindly suggest that instead of re-upping the files, please re-direct people to
jknockers It'll keep the files alive so i won't have to worry about re-upping heaps of discographies.
▸▸ SUPPORT THE ARTISTS! @ places like:
♥ ||
♥▸▸ comments are not mandatory. but they're nice! :D