OFFICIAL WEBSITEImage credits thanks to
hyelle_narmo over at
jrock_scans CBB finding Bio. Might edit this later.
[xx.xx.xx] Cupia vol.1 [ Omnibus ]
04. Necromancer [2005.01.09] Jisaku Jien
01. mousou akutoripuu
02. shiki
03. chakooru
›› DOWNLOAD ›› [26.01.2007] The Scream of Gate
01. Downer's Show
02. Trick Dice
03. Ano Harusai Teita Hana
›› DOWNLOAD ›› [15.08.2007] Ugly Black Showcase
01. Necromancer
02. [a Gate]
03. Yami to chiru igamu
04. Rotten Strawberry Milk Chocolate
05. Starry Night
06. Black Riot
Included in the .rar file is Ugly Black Showcase comment audio rip, just thought i'd let you guys know. (:
›› DOWNLOAD ›› Downer's Show [PV] - [
File Details: size [96.2MB] length [5:15] format [??]
mm, i dont know if the quality is really bad or it's meant to be grainy, but w/e.
uhm, idk. Get ready for spam.