New Query Idea

Dec 22, 2009 10:51

So, my original query was just plain boring. I've decided to try
something a little different. Let me know what you think.

Allyah is bleeding…

Years of hate between humanity and the Other-Folk has turned the frontier world into a nightmare expanse. It is a place of dark religions and darker gods. Refugees roam the plains in search of freedom, while murderous riders hunt blood for sport and profit.

Every war has heroes and monsters. Come meet a few:


“I want to spill this man’s blood, wear it on my face and taste it on my lips. I want to take from him everything that was taken from me.”

A warrior who’s very essence is devoted to vendetta.


“The act to which we are committed is the noblest of endeavors. We have been charged with committing extinction upon these people by the blessed tongue of The Regal himself. We are to act as his instrument; a force of evolutionary origin, with the single purpose of erasing their culture. It is no small task making not of a people.”

A refined gentleman and vicious killer who aims to become a god.


“I intend to finish this, to wipe them out. You shall bring justice to the heathens for their fracturing of the covenant. What they have broken, we shall make anew with components from their destruction. “

The dark potentate of mankind who is desperate to avoid his own demise.


“I've seen men. I've seen them be brave. But most of all I've seen their hate. I've seen it so real in their eyes and on their weapons stained with our blood. And tonight, I looked into that boy’s eyes and I saw hope.”

An aged shaman who believes his people can find peace among humanity.


“Violence is a hunger that cannot be abated. She will die on his path. If I win, I will love her until the end of my days.”

An educated slave who is the lens through which our story is told.

Who will survive? The answer is on the plains.


A Novel


J. Kyle Massey
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