Say Hi to the Bad Guy

Dec 06, 2009 18:26

Underneath is one of the dialogues in which Declan, one of the more villainous characters is justifying genocide. Hope you enjoy!

“So,” he began, “I have been questioning something since we began this fellowship. I am wondering why each of us was chosen for this task. I myself am no warrior and can only assume I am here to mend the injured and prepare the dying, but more so I am puzzled why there are so few soldiers dispatched to this kind of work.”
The Priest looked around the camp at the soldiers that surrounded the fires. His contempt was more ornate than the robes he wore.
“Am I correct in my assumption that you all are criminals and the Regal's mercy was condemning you to this quest? Murder is a simple thing and to perform it without ritual seems a task befitting of this crew. If this is the case then I shall make prayers so that our success shall guarantee your release upon this task's completion.”
Declan looked up when the Priest had finished. He cocked his head slightly and stared at the man across the fire. He'd been sitting outside the ring of light and had been polishing his ammunition. He'd laid out a dozens bolts around him in a circle and had taken each one into his hand with care and then cleaned it with an oilskin rag.
The Speaker had watched him do this and noticed that each of the small metal rods was engraved with strange symbols. From where he sat it looked like glyphs or constellations had been carved into each of them by hand, not the usual etchings of the Wisdom. He wasn't close enough to read them in the dark and he dared not draw the attention of the doctor. Declan finished with the bit and placed it back into the sand, then he looked again towards the Priest.
“Let me be clear,” began Declan, “The act to which we are committed is the noblest of endeavors. We have been charged with committing extinction upon these heathenish people by the blessed tongue of The Regal himself. We are to act as his instrument; a force of evolutionary origin, with the single purpose of erasing their culture from our shared histories. It is no small task making not of a people. Surely we were chosen with care, were we not? Each of us selected for specific talents. Look at the boy.”
The doctor stretched a bony finger out towards the Speaker. “Look at him. Is he not destined for this great work? To question our inclusion in this matter would be to deny the righteousness of our intent by thinking this a simple thing. We are not simple things. The leader of our people was once a man, was he not?”
The priest did not answer. Declan continued.
“He was once a man, and he challenged that state of being. We make our dreams reality. We challenge the heavens and knock upon the doors of Gods demanding to be made in equality. Let me ask you this Priest, your Wisdom. It is based on changing and bettering oneself. Is it not?”
Again, the Priest did not answer. He only stared across at the doctor with a nervous look, as if the words being spoken were blasphemous.
“Of course it is. The Regal himself gave the Wisdom to his people so that they might better themselves. You speak of servitude and the lot that has been given to us. I renounce that.”
Declan spat into the fire.
“I believe the Regal intended something more ambitious for us. His choosing us for this task only reinforces the undisputable truth of this pursuit. We are murdering a people, Priest, a task reserved for deities and yet here we are; participating in the final act of an entire race. We are harbingers, Priest, the carriers of message and secret.”
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