whoah nelly

Apr 03, 2005 22:41

went and saw this pretty good band down at the alliance on friday night, then ended up in the depot all night dancing away and playing pool on that really weird shaped table. unfortunately not drinking too much. dropped by stafford shopping centre on the way back.. the cock ring 2 is now playing.
went out on the turps saturday night on a pub crawl with the valley boys in the city. its the first time in ages ive been in the city and drunk shitloads. got completely hammered thanks to cheap drinks and plenty of cash. we got 7.50 jugs of beer at the caxton if we went in gladwrapped to one of the valley girls which kicked ass. except i got pegged with a third of a jug of beer in my hand there which was pleasent and after that had to endure the shitness of the hotel LA bar. so i hitched a ride in this full maxi taxi to the valley with a bunch of other drunk asses then partied down at the depot for the rest of the night. it was a shame i started drinking so early though cos i buggered off real early.
I also stood on a nail on saturday as well. which hurt.
and that was my weekend. i learnt some lessons:
1. dont walk around construction site bare foot
2. never take it straight, always have a few drinks before
3. mid aged people at the depot can be scary
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