+ sleep in till 8
+ drawing class
+ class ended early
+ bought art supplies
+ lunch
- calc class
- proved that my calc teacher is insane
- homework
+ dinner
++++++++++ lena and i dyed and highlighted katie's hair and hung out
+ sleep
- 8 am class
- quiz on friday
- 9 am class
- mini-essay due on friday
+ 10 am class
+ no other classes for today
+ lunch
- homework
+ nap
- homework
+ ordered chinese food
+ watched movie w/ michelle
+ sleep soon
ok, so tonite my roomie michelle and i ordered chinese and my fortune cookie said the funniest thing ever: "You have an unusual equipment for success, use it properly." lol, michelle has this theory that u can add "in bed" after any fortune and it will still make sense. i think this proves that.