Oct 27, 2005 15:36
ok so yesterday and today have been very interesting. a little before 1:00 yesterday afternoon, the power went out all across campus. why? i dont know. it was really strange because i was sitting in the lounge watching tv and the lights started flickering for like 10 minutes and finally the power cut completly. im like wtf? i was so bored all afternoon cause there was nothing to do.
we got power back pretty quickly on the north side of campus compared to the rest of campus. luckily the backup generators finally kicked in around 3ish for the dorms and the dining hall. but the rest of campus was still out of power. my ski club meeting was canceled cause they closed down most of the buildings and all classes after a certain time got canceled. unfortunatly i already had all my classes that day. im not sure when south campus got power back cause it was back on when i went down for band practice at 7. but middle campus didnt get power back until early this morning i think. it really sucked cause ITS and CIT are located in those buildings so the internet and computer network werent running until this afternoon.
classes were really weird today. most morning classes that took place in middle campus were canceled because there still wasnt any power. but my fine arts class is down in Shafer hall which is the southmost building so they actually had power. its really funny cause it lasted for a grand total of 5 minutes. people were supposed to do their presentations today but couldnt because the computers still weren't working yet. it was kinda nice because now they have to present on tuesday and so the people who are suppose to present on tuesday, myself incuded, now have to go on thursday. so yay, i get 2 more day to work on it. around lunchtime, power was restored completly across campus but the computer systems still werent up yet. my two math classes got out really early cause not even half the people showed up in the first place and we didnt really do anything. i wish everyday was like today lol.
so now that the internet is actually working, things should be back to normal. if you could call it normal. i still dont know how we lost power in the first place though. i thin it was either because of all the construction or the wind knocked down a powerline. the other things i was wondering was whether it was just campus that lost power or if parts of willimantic lost power too... o well