Well It's Unofficially Official

Apr 09, 2009 20:47

Hey Everybody,

After researching soar throats and there various incarnations, I have determined that I am suffering from laryngitus.  Every basic symptom described in all the (admittedly imperfect) online sources, I have: the hoarse voice, the tingling in the throat (as opposed to actual pain, which I don't really feel much at all), a cough, congestian and a stuffy nose (which all mostly occur in the morning).  The good thing is, I have none of the symptoms of a serious (need to go to the doctor's) case.  I've had no difficulty breathing or swallowing; I ain't coughing up blood or yellow or green phelm.  My throat hasn't swollen up at all.  So I doubt it's serious.  I've been functioning absolutely normally in every other way, even exercising on my Total Gym.

But even one of the manners in which you can become infected with laryngitus makes sense.  I sarted feeling like I was coming down with a cold on Sunday, but just the cough and the stuffy nose.  Monday was more of the same; wasn't at all full-blown sick, but I was coughing, congested and my throat was getting worse.  Tuesday morning I was talking like Nick Nolte.

It's proably a slight bacterial infection, probably breathing throughout the night with my mouth open (the congestion on Sunday and Monday had me breathing through my mouth more than regular).  The other ways Laryngitus typically is caught include overuse of voice (which I don't see how is possible given the time and the circumstances, if it happened after a night at the Martini it would make a little more sense), and through smoking (yeah).

Now from what I read, laryngitus typically lasts 3 to 4 days, which puts me at day 3 (having begun Tuesday).  And drinking the hot green tea sweetened with organic honey seems to be helping.  And my voice has become steadily clearer.  So I'm not too worried about it.

Anyhow, in other news, I'll be home this weekend, for Easter.  So if anyone wants to hang, let me know.

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