Its bin a long, arduous day for me and I'm knackered. Most of it was spent on that damn Networking paper (which is gonna total about 1,000 words more than it should, by my estimations). Gah, I'm bored of it now
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Urgh, another long time without an update! People keep telling me to update but I'm waaaaaay too busy (lazy) to do so. It's a bad habit. Oh well
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Ah shit, its bin a while again, hasn't it? I'm very sorry to the readers (yes, all two of you Dave and Hannah XD) I will attempt to be better
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What an awesome weekend it's bin! I feel compelled to write about it (much to the dismay of the three people chattin to me on MSN), so here we go
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Today's entry will be conducted between page-loads and whilst semi-inebriated, listening to Guns N' Roses. I wouldn't expect much, really XD
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Well it's nearly 3am now and I'm still not asleep. But hey, whatever. I'll just sleep til 2 again tomorrow. Not like I have anything to get up for
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Just got back from my mate's place about an hour ago. Had a good time, played some ps2 and chilled out. Was fun, cept the painful thoughts that punctuated my transient happiness.
I know too much. But I can't help myself
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Tonight's bin good. Went out to skittles, played a game. Only scored 26 overall though, which was a bit shit. Still, I did score fuck all in one round (which again, was very shit of me) so that brought my score down
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