Jan 09, 2005 02:59
Well, I haven't written in about 3 days. That seems like forever. Oh well. It's 3 am and I can't go back to sleep. I was asleep but I woke up at about 2ish and I HAD to call my friend Phillip. He was driving back from some spa that he went to with a buddy. So, of course while he was talking to me he had to slow down. He said, about halfway through our conversation, (something to the effect of) woah, that big truck just went crazy. A truck in front of them almost wrecked. It ran off into the median but THANK GOD it didn't wreck. I was thinking about it after I got off the phone with him...maybe there was a reason that I just HAD to talk to him. I believe God intervenes like that. Now, I'm not saying I'm an angel of mercy or whatever, but it's possible that God used me to slow him down to get him away from that truck. Wow. I guess it's not, but I like to think that that's the reason. Well, something kind of similar...but not as dramatic...happened earlier. I was on my way to get some money to pick up dinner for myself and a friend. On my way I saw her on the side of the street with her car broken down. Now, that doesn't seem so weird or whatever but it does after I say this. There are 2 other posts for me to go get money. I chose to go on the one where she was broken down. She told me that the MP was going to make her walk home (or wherever to find someone to help her) with her 2 boys. I took the boys with me and she waited on someone to come get her. Coincidence (that may be spelled wrong but oh well), I think not. THEN after I called phillip, I went to the bedroom and read my devotional. I thought maybe I couldn't go back to sleep because I hadn't read it today. Anyway...so, I read it. And after I did, I thought wow, that is perfect for right now for me. Earlier I had been telling someone how I was worried about what Thomas and I were going to do after he gets out of the Army and the verse just fit. I'll talk more about that later. Anyway, I get online to tell the devotional and verse to Dayna. Because I KNOW that I read that for her. I think that she needs the inspiration and motivation to trust God right now because He will provide all. But when I got online she said...I was just thinking about you. I think that's weird when that happens...when 2 people are thinking about each other at the exact same time...randomly like that.
But seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will wory about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. - Matthew 6: 33-34. Wow. What a couple of verses to live by. Those were just dead on for me right now. Especially after what I had said earlier. I have been so worried about what we are going to do after we leave the Army. We have nothing planned except for where we are going. I can't start working (well, at least not a real job that has to do with why I have spent my whole life in school for) until August. SO, we will depend on Thomas until then ( of course, unless I get a temp job)and that's really scarey. I have always been the type of person to need to know nearly all of what's going on to be satisfied. But now I am learning that I am just going to have to wait and trust God. There is absolutely nothing else that we can do or find out right now. The only thing we can do is make sure that we save money enough for when we first get out and have not found a place to live and all of that....which I am striving hard to do. I am especially trying to do that now since it is less than 6 months until we get out of here. I need to work harder on it. That is something I guess I should pray about is to just work harder on saying no to spending money. I don't spend like crazy, but I do buy things that I really don't need and could say no to right now. I thank God that I am not the type of person who depletes the funds every pay check. I think that is a real problem and again, I thank God I don't have that problem. I thank God that he will provide everything that I need and I don't need to worry. I don't need to sit around and fret about things. I can keep a wise head and live in peace because of His awesome promises of providing everything we need. What an awesome God. I am so glad I have Him to lean on. I am so glad that I have found a new desire and thirst and want for Him. I don't know what did it, but it happend....all of a sudden and it's beautiful. I think there are times when I just suddenly change about something...without warning or trying. This is one of them. I used to hate to read and never touched my Bible except for on Sundays and Thursdays. Right before Christmas I picked up this devotional Bible and I have been reading it. I hope that carries on to my school work.
I was looking at my classes for next term to see if any class anouncements had been posted before classes started...and I think my psych 305 will be a tough one. I should have kept my stats book. I'm kicking myself for not keeping it. I hope I can get through without it. But if I can't, I will try to find it cheap somewhere else or at least just a guide for statistics. That would probably be all I would need. Who knows, but I pray I can really get into studying and stay off this computer. I am able to play and study at the same time and do ok but I always feel like I don't work enough when I do that. Oh well, I will just have to keep after myself. I think I am done for now. only 2 hours left for church. I pray I can make it because I don't know why I couldn't go back to sleep.