Woke up very late this morning.
Had a long, somewhat busy and stressful day yesterday, and didn't get to bed until very early this morning, so I obviously needed to sleep in and let the body rest and heal.
This means I've only just finished breakfast, and have a lot of stuff I need to get done today before running any games tomorrow on the Sunday group. Looks like a late lunch is in my future today, but we'll see how hungry I feel around 1:30 pm or so. The weather is still cool, wet, and bad for arthritis and other such body complaints. I need to dash out and buy some veggies and some grocery basics, so will take care of that after I hop in the shower and clean off the layer of dirt.
Had a lovely time gaming with the Friday night gaming group last night. They started their
Atlantis: The Second Age RPG campaign, and had a good time with it. Atlantis: The Second Age is a really solid game with the game world offering all kinds of options for what style of fantasy sword & sorcery game one wants to play. I'll blog more about it later, but for now, I'm content about last night.
Thank Goddess the day is still (relatively) young. :)