As mentioned in the blog entries yesterday, the Friday night gaming group played last night.
The gaming group playtested the Rocket Age (sorry, no website yet) RPG that will be released by the good folks at
Cubicle 7 last night, specifically character generation.
Rocket Age is a science fiction rpg of the Golden Age, set in 1938, with some Pulp adventure feel to it as well. The game is a pretty nifty rpg that uses the system and engine of the Vortex system, commonly associated with DW: AiTaS and the Primeval RPG.
The Friday night gaming group playtested the system, starting with the creation of player character samples for the game. Each player created one character for the Rocket Age RPG, and it was an interesting process certainly, but the players were enamoured of the amount of detail in terms of the player Species available for play, as well as the amount of material on the game universe.
Here's an idea of what the player characters created...
Kathy - After hemming and hawing a little bit about what to play, she decided to take a female Martian Chanari (the feral, or wild, Martians) who had a family connection to a Martian royal and something of a blood debt to deal with. A pretty interesting character, and one that she really wants to play once the game comes out.
Nick - He decided to take a character with a seamier side, and chose to play an Ioite Scavenger, with knowledge of a secret being concealed by one of the new Earth principalities on the Red Planet.
Tom - As noted during character generation last week for Atlantis: The Second Age, Tom likes to play fighter types, and last night was no exception. He decided to take a Martian Maduri (the Warrior caste) serving as a bodyguard to Joanne's character, and made the character somewhat religious.
Joanne - When talking about the Martian Silthuri (Royal caste), Joanne got that glint in her eyes that I've come to know when she has something devious in mind. She created the Martian princess, a spoiled brat, who has been exiled by her family after engaging in some heinous action (to be decided on), and travels with Tom's character, the Maduri. Joanne said this is a character who needs to experience a bit of life, the hard way. LOL
Angela - Had a tough time deciding what she wanted, but she ended up taking a Venusian female Harvititoi (wanderer) who has left her homeworld and travelled to Mars in order to see new things and experience things. However, she also has a secret... she may be an agent of change of some sort.
David - He decided that he wanted to play the typical Golden Age sf character, and took a Human heroic soldier-of-fortune now on the Red Planet seeking adventure. Quite good with those sword things, skills with RAY guns, and a survivalist, he's fallen for Joanne's Silthuri queen.
and, finally,
Ellie - My goddaughter decided to try her hand at the game, though she's not overly familiar with the genre (too young to have read a lot of those old books!). She decided to create a young, female Martian Pilthuri (Merchant caste) who's on the run from several individuals after seeing/discovering something she shouldn't have.
The players, as usual, created some interesting characters with connections to one another, though I didn't see a lot of that coming to be honest. The players are quite familiar with character creation using the DW: AiTaS and Primeval RPGs, so they didn't have problems with the game system and character creation mechanics, but had to get their mindset into the Golden Age of SF point of view, and that took a bit more time. Fortunately, Rocket Age has a good amount of background in the main rulebook, and gives the players what they needed to make some well-informed decisions.
A highly enjoyable evening of character creation for a roleplaying game that promises to be interesting, to say the least. The players all told me that it seems to be a game with lots of potential and promise, though they were disappointed that we didn't have any maps of Venus and Mars (I don't know if there will be maps in the main rulebook), but that Rocket Age is a game they're looking forward to playing.
So am I! :)