Feb 04, 2013 08:11
Woke up this morning, feeling relatively good.
I had yesterday off from gaming with the Sunday group, so was able to take it easy most of the day and keep my swollen ankle on ice. Helped tremendously, and when I woke this morning, swelling was pretty much gone. Still hurts a little bit, but I can live with that. (Well, with a bit of Tylenol, anyway.)
This morning is a relatively cold, clear, sunny day in Ottawa with some definite wind chill to it. Work this morning has been as expected, as my boss is working his last week. There's been no word as to who the replacement boss will be, but several of my fellow office workers are somewhat concerned. Possibly for good reason, but no way to know.
In the meanwhile, I'm just going to keep my head down today and get the job done.
Well, that and try and go out after work and get a haircut. I'm feeling a bit shaggy these days.
health hut,