Mar 02, 2012 11:41
As is my standard usage of my blog space at or near the beginning of the month, I present the listing of my February reads.
Books Read in February, 2012
The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin
January, 2012 Locus
National Geographic Dinosaurs by Paul Barrett, illustrated by Raul Martin
Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys by Francesca Lia Block
Ancient Rockets: Treasures and Trainwrecks of the Silent Screen by Kage Baker
Adventure Comics #247 - Adventure Comics #358 (Comics)
Dark Sleeper by Jeffrey E. Barlough (r)
The Birthday of the World and Other Stories by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Wrath of Fate by "Captain" Robert Brown
The Great Dinosaur Hunters and Their Discoveries by Edwin H. Colbert
All For One: Regime Diabolique Roleplaying Game by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams (RPG) (r)
Richelieu's Guide to Expanded Characters by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams (RPG; PDF) (r)
Force Majeure by Charles Green (RPG; PDF) (r)
Richelieu's Guide to Wondrous Devices by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams (RPG; PDF) (r)
Richelieu's Guide to Daily Expenses by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams (RPG; PDF) (r)
Richelieu's Guide to Creatures of Sin by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams (RPG; PDF) (r)
February, 2012 was a pretty good reading month for me this year. While there were a few re-reads and I had my geology class books to read (which I don't include here), it was a good reading month. Yes, I started re-reading the Legion of Super-Heroes comics from the beginning again, as to be honest, I've missed comics a bit these past few months but haven't been thrilled with the new direction that DC Comics have given their lines. Overall, I managed to read 8 novels, 2 RPGs and RPG products, 1 magazine, 78 comics, and 0 graphic novels in February. This brings the 2012 year totals up to the following: 18 books, 2 RPGs and RPG products, 3 magazines, 78 comics, and 0 graphic novels.
Anyway, thoughts and comments are always welcome. :)
month total,