Sunday morning. Two days before I leave for
Another scorcher in the Ottawa valley, with an expected high of 310C, and a humidex of 370C. Not the sort of day I want right now, given the allergies and cold that I've got.
So many things to do, both packing-wise and gaming-wise, before I head off to the airport on Tuesday.
Between the severe allergies/cold business and some other stuff that I won't go into on my journal, I'm not sleeping all that well, though I do seem to be managing four or five hours of sleep, so I guess that's better than nothing. But it doesn't leave me feeling all that well, and my temper's a bit on edge. Not an auspicious beginning for what promises to be a very busy week. On top of that, my voice is a bit ragged, so I'm trying to conserve that. The good news is that I am feeling somewhat better, so perhaps the sleeping will get easier for tonight and Monday.
So I'm going to take it relatively easy today, do a bit more packing (I'm about 75 to 80 percent done; it's the last 10% of packing, especially when you have gaming stuff to take with you, that always worries me), and take another look at the
Primeval RPG scenario I intend to playtest at
GenCon. Might read a bit, but will definitely try to take a nap or two.
Just a reminder to folks going to GenCon: Since I don't own a mobile phone and won't be taking a computer with me to the convention, any meet-ups, get togethers, etc. at GenCon really have to be arranged with me as soon as possible, and before I leave for the airport on Tuesday.