Sunday Afternoon Game Session Report - Desolation

Jul 07, 2011 16:28

As noted in a previous entry yesterday, here's the second in a series of belated game session reports, this time covering the Sunday afternoon gaming group's foray into the world of Desolation. This report covers the Sunday group's session on the 30th of January (!!) this year. You can read about the previous game session in this journal entry. As per usual, since the rpg game session notes can be somewhat long and may not appeal to all my journal readers, they are presented here behind the cut.

Day 7, Month 9, 2 After the Night of Fire (ANoF)

The player characters wake up just after dawn in the village of Keveli the morning after their return. Sandor Frecks and Krenai Denshawni arrive at the guarded hut where Sabine Tok Cheng and Currin Tullock have been sequestered. After Currin dresses and the already dressed and ready Sabine offers a few choice comments on matters, Sandor and Krenai lead them to the communal dining hall. With many of their fellow diners watching them, Sabine says to the other two that she doesn't see a lot of metal weapons in evidence. Sandor tells her that there is a shortage of metal in the village, although there is likely plenty in the ruined part that they have not yet reclaimed. While others eat and watch them, Keran Lorenir approaches the table, and tries to find out more about Currin, barely acknowledging and ignoring the Rover altogether. Keran is not all that impressed with Currin, despite his respect for the man's scythe weapon, but considers it a farming tool.

Sandor, Krenai, Currin, and Sabine leave the dining hall, and head for the village's Council Chamber. Krenai questions Currin about various things, but she also learns some more information about Sabine. They arrive at the Council Chamber, which is guarded by two soldiers, including Hanser (one of the Legionnaire recruits). Ushered into the Council hall, they come face-to-face with the five Councillors - Verek of Keveli (Mongrel), Hangrel Shore, Magda Olvek, Barjan Jolnsson (Dwarf), and Mavra Shan-Li (Rover). Sabine's eyes go wide when she sees the other Rover. They face the Council, who are seated in a carved oak half-arc table.

Sabine attempts to be flippant in her approach to the Council, but this backfires insofar as Verek of Keveli is concerned, although Mavra Shan-Li sees right through it, and the other Council members are easily somewhat influenced. While Sabine is not a Beguiler [or is she?], the Council decides that she has skills (fishing, boating, merchant, and performance) and some knowledge (about Sabina, the cat creature, and areas of her travels) that makes her valuable to the community. Meanwhile, Currin comes across as somewhat hesitant when he tells his story, and though he also comes across as a bit of a coward, he makes an enemy of Barjan Jolnsson due to his abandonment of the dwarves in the mines of Shagg'rekh.

Once the vote is taken by the Councilors, when all is said and done, the end result is that both Sabine and Currin are given provisional acceptance into the community of Keveli. They must spend at least four months in the village, and gain the vote and trust of the Keveli residents by the end of the time period, at which point they will be truly accepted as members of the village. Sabine's acceptance by the Councilors is unanimous, but Currin's was over Barjan's objections. He is told that he will retain the nickname of "the Cur" until he is accepted by the villagers as a whole. Sabine tells the Council that to begin gaining the trust of the villagers, she gives them information: there is a village located some three days to north of the southeastern edge of the Sarav Forest. She also adds that the Rovers she travelled with were looking for something, but that since it seems no longer attainable, she refuses to discuss it further.

Verek of Keveli informs the player characters, Sandor, Sabine, and Lev Treyhi that the Council has come up with a plan of action to deal with the Warbanders. The characters have been chosen to infiltrate the Warband, and bring it down from within. They must take on the role of conscripts, and enter into the warband in its lowest capacity, and then find a way to destroy, disband, or otherwise eliminate the warband once and for all.

As you can see, the game session was really the start of a new beginning. With spross playing a new character, the relationship between his character and Tammy's character was about to change, and there was other stuff that was afoot, though I didn't know that at the time. In all fairness, spross played the character somewhat poorly and inconsistently during the course of this scenario, but I thought that things would progress well once he got a handle on the character. And, of course, at the end there was the set-up for the next scenario... :)

desolation rpg, sunday gaming group, rpg chat, report

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