Tuesday Morning Thoughts

May 24, 2011 08:50

Good morning, folks.

It's a relatively cool, somewhat humid day here in Ottawa. The weather is affecting my back and sciatica somewhat, of course, so I don't feel or seem as mobile today as I have in days past.

I'm working from the house today, as I have been for the past two weeks or so, but will only be doing a half-day today. Work after the Victoria Day weekend is always slow, so that contributes to that, but part of it is that my boss has been good enough to understand my situation (he suffers from sciatica as well, but is younger than I am).

This week sees a doctor appointment tomorrow with the urologist to see what's going on with my prostate problems. I went for the PSA test on Thursday of last week, so the results should be in now. Will take it from there, and see how things stand. Also have another appointment with the chiropractor tomorrow, too. The sciatica pain is pretty bad at times, but has so far been more manageable.

In gaming related news, I'll be posting up reports on the three days of CanGames 2011 starting today, and will probably be talking about the new board game I purchased at the convention as well. (More on that in the CanGames day reports.)

Back to do a bit of work here now.

work, chiropractor, cangames, rpg chat, psa test, health hut, personal, doctor, prostate, weather

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