I have not felt well the last few days. Okay, the last couple of weeks, if you want to know the truth. Actually, I've felt like crap. Part of this has to do with the fact that I've been suffering still from some of the effects of the Metformin (although fortunately the diarrhea has been back to what, for me, is normal), notably the metallic taste in my mouth and a couple of mouth blisters, but I feel like I've caught a really bad cold or that I'm suffering from a major allergy attack. This wouldn't surprise me either way, as the weather has been very nice during the daytime, and sinking back to relatively cold temperatures at night, and the proliferation of plant life has been beautiful, but given me headaches (which are likely allergies).
I guess to make matters worse, I've been feeling very stressed out lately. This is partially due to the fact that my mother failed her driving test not once, but twice, and now has no car. Being the typical Jewish mom, she has the guilt trip business down pat, so I have been turned into a car chauffeur/slave. Mix that in with the fact that there's something going on with Stef that I'm not going into on my LJ, and... Add to that the fact that I'm trying to get a Hollow Earth Expedition (HEX) scenario finished for
CanGames, and well...
I haven't had any real time for myself this past few weeks, or so it feels. In fact, I feel pretty much like a chicken without a head, running in so many different directions that it would be funny if it weren't my life. I had a long chat last night with my California friend,
Marlyn Bumpus (I do wish you'd get a LiveJournal so it would be easier to read your thoughts and all, dear!) and she was able to put some of the stuff going on in my life right now into some form of perspective, but even so, it's hard.
At the moment, there are some days I don't want to get up at all. *cough, cough*
In the meantime, I need to get a decongestant, and have a nice hot cup of tea. Then I need to get ready for the Sunday gaming group, as they're finally going to start playing in the DragonQuest campaign again! Roleplaying makes me feel better, and eases the cares of the world a bit, except when I'm running it, of course. With any luck, it'll be an enjoyable afternoon! :)
Or not. I still feel like crap.