Sunday Afternoon Gaming Session Cancelled

Nov 24, 2024 11:04

Today is Sunday.

I was supposed to game today with the Sunday players this afternoon.

However, that isn't going to happen. Got a call from one of my players, who told me that she's sick and is running a fever as well. Her voice was pretty ragged over the phone, and I completely understand why she isn't gaming today and I concur with her smart decision. I was able to call SteveR and let him know that Tammy can't make it today due to illness, and he's all right with that so... As a result, I won't be gaming today with the Sunday gaming group. Hard to run the game with just one player.

I was looking forward to gaming with the Sunday afternoon players today, since I really do want to wrap up the case file they are playing in the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon, but that's not happening. To be honest, I'm not all that concerned about it, as I am feeling tired, cold, and a bit lethargic, so having the day off from gaming works fine for me today.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to running the game whenever the Sunday players get together again, hopefully in a couple of weeks.

rivers of london rpg, rpg hut, session cancelled, sunday gaming group, rpg chat, personal, cold, health hut, tired

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