RPGaDay2024 in August - August 3rd: Often

Aug 03, 2024 19:01

We continue on today with #RPGaDay2024 for August.

Day 3 - Most often played RPG

This one's another easy one.

The most often rpg that I've run over the years has been the DragonQuest RPG published once upon a time by the folks at the now defunct SPI Publications, Inc.. I ran the game for over 30 years, the players actually playing the children of their original characters in my Friday night group, and really enjoyed the take on the fantasy genre that the game took. I've actually run the game as recently as 2021, but have moved on to simpler systems, both mechanically and from the pov of their main subject matter.

That said, the DragonQuest RPG is still one of my all-time favourite rpg games and systems.

And there you have it, my thoughts on this third day of #RPGaDay for August, 2024.

Comments, thoughts, questions, etc. are all welcome, of course. :)

personal, #rpgaday2024, rpg hut, #rpgaday, dragonquest rpg, rpg chat, gaming hut

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