Getting Ready for Friday Night (Board) Gaming

Jul 26, 2024 17:58

It's been another very hot, humid, uncomfortable day here in the Ottawa valley. Especially after yesterday's almost mid-Spring-like weather. It's been a sunny day for the most part, with cloudy periods, and there was a rain shower this morning. The temperature reached around 27oC, which was much warmer than I can handle, but the humidity raised things to around 35oC. My body aches and pains persist, my right shoulder is quite bad at the moment, my allergies have been very nasty today, and the sciatica in my right hip and leg has been very bad as well. I've taken it relatively easy today, staying inside with the windows closed and the air conditioner (with the HEPA filter) on.

I'll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening, as all the players will be out for this evening's gaming session; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I will definitely need the players to do the heavy lifting for me tonight, since the right arm/shoulder and leg are pretty bad. The players are looking forward to this evening.

The players will not be playing any roleplaying game this evening, as they have given me the month of July off from GMing duties as part of my birthday month. So the six of us will be playing a board game or three tonight. As noted in previous posts here, I've got quite a few board games in my cupboard these days (most of which I don't seem to get the time to play very often any more, sad but true), so we'll see what they want to play when they arrive. Something light and not requiring too much strategy, methinks.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. :)

diabetes, supper, allergies, summer, friday gaming group, health hut, personal, aches & pains, food hut, board games, sciatica, right shoulder, ottawa, weather, gaming hut

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