Today has been a somewhat more typical late spring, early summer day here in Ottawa. The city has been under a bit of a heat wave for the last few days, but today was a pleasant, somewhat sunny day with overcast periods and a bit of a windy one at times. The temperature reached around 17oC, much more comfortable than the 28-30+oC weather we've been having, and was quite comfortable. My body aches and pains persist, and my right shoulder is quite bad at the moment. I've taken it easy today, taking care of paperwork that has needed to be attended to, staying inside with the windows closed (the allergy season is very bad at the moment).
I'll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Definitely going to need the players to do the heavy lifting for me tonight, since the right arm and shoulder are pretty bad. I wasn't sure whether we would game this evening, since
CanGames was this past weekend, and while I could have taken the week off gaming or played board games tonight instead, I'm feeling re-energised about gaming at the moment, and so have opted to game this evening. When I informed the players of this on Wednesday, they were quite pleased.
The players will be continuing on with their
Doctor Who Roleplaying Game UNIT campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and while I've not done an awful lot of prep for this evening's session, I'm ready to game. Like I've said before, it's very different than running a game set with a Time Lord and their companions aboard a TARDIS. That said, I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.
In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.
Have a good evening, folks. :)