It is a new month. November.
Movember, as it's also known, since a lot of men grow moustaches for the month as a means of supporting prostate cancer research (which is near and dear to my heart these days) and the like. (Since I have a moustache already, I guess I can just let it grow a bit longer, right? :) )
Once more, October is a month that I'm glad to see the back of, and I suspect pretty much everyone is. This was a month that saw the resurgence of COVID-19 as a pandemic in an eighth (or is it ninth?) wave, the peoples of the world still being crippled in many ways once more by the pandemic, despite the high percentages of vaccination (at least in Canada and parts of the U.S.), not to mention lots of natural disasters and man-made attacks and the like. Throw in the start of the endof the year's flu season and a respiratory illness that strikes primarily children and.. Well, in a lot of places hospitals are once more being swamped and overwhelmed. (As if that actually stopped, given the health system in Canada and even in the U.S. and parts of Europe these days.) When one adds in the terrorism and violence in the Middle East and the conflict between Hamas and Israel and the continuing violence in Ukraine, then throw in the political situation between various major powers these days and well...the world is a mess right now.
I've spent much of October sick with various ailments. Between my diabetes, some of the medical conditions that go along with it, the accident where I got hit by a car while loading groceries in a parking lot and the effects that have had on me, the stress I'm dealing with from some stuff that I'm not going to go into here, I'm something of a physical mess at the moment. Allergies were also still an issue, as October was a warmer month than expected. Throw in the side effects of the flu shot that I had several weeks ago and the most recent dose of the COVID-19 vaccine I had on the weekend, and...let's just say I'm feeling under the weather and leave it at that. Just a rough October health-wise. And I seem to be sleeping a lot during the month (perhaps still due to the concussion, likely).
I don't have any doctor appointments in November at the moment, though I do have a footcare appointment in the middle of the month. I really do have to schedule an appointment with my general practitioner, as I need him to send me to a specialist or two for some of what's ailing me. And then who knows what other medical stuff will get scheduled?
Hopefully, November will be a month where some of my health issues resolve themselves (or get resolved) and where I can try to get back to something of a sense of normality. And when I say normality, I'm talking for me in the house. The resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic is something that, even though I've had my latest jab, I'm going to be careful about dealing with. Combined with flu season this year, what with people about to start staying inside, it's going to make it very difficult for a lot of people due to the similarity of symptoms between the two. I'm really hoping the government doesn't have to put a new lock-down into effect, though who really wants to go out in winter, other than those winter sport enthusiasts? But people really do need to start wearing masks again, in my opinion.
Not sure what the month holds in terms of my gaming, as to be perfectly honest, I'm running the
Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game at the moment on both the Friday and Sunday gaming groups. My health has been interfering with my reading ability these days, and due to my age I don't seem to read as quickly as I used to any more. Still, I'm looking forward to whatever gaming I get to do for the month of November and the rest of the winter.
Speaking of, I'm also hoping that Old Man Winter decides to hold off somewhat in regards to the white stuff. I'd really appreciate that.