August Is A New Month

Aug 01, 2023 10:28

It's the 1st of August. A new month. Thank Goddess.

I have to say that I'm quite relieved for the most part. While the first six months of 2023 were (for the most part) very bad for me, the month of June went by with several health issues that I have to admit have scared me, and that have definitely screwed with my head. Not to mention the stress.

On the other hand, July 2023 was a pretty bad month overall, for a variety of reasons. The coronavirus pandemic back on the upswing and bringing an eighth wave of COVID-19 into the world, the continuing of racial prejudices and violence staying in the news and being drawn to our attention, some of the political messes that are ongoing, and-- Never mind, best not to dwell on that stuff for the moment.

As for August, well... I don't have a lot going on this month, to be honest. There's a couple of doctor appointments ahead of me this month (assuming those go ahead with the medical profession and stuff the way it is), and a few other things. I'm just going to try and take the month day-by-day if possible, am going to try and relax and not stress over stuff as much as I can. And I'm going to find one positive thing every day, even if it's just a small thing, so that I don't fall into a state of total despair with all the personal and world shite going on.

August is also going to see me continue to get to play with both the Friday night and Sunday afternoon groups, running the games of course, and I'm rather looking forward to that.

But for now... some late breakfast. :)

august, pandemic, coronavirus, health hut, personal, thoughts, doctor, covid-19, new month, life, appointments

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