As noted in this
previous blog entry, I received my Kickstarter pledge materials for the
Dragonbane RPG back on the 13th of July (the Thursday), and posted up the initial photos of the material I received. At that time, I hadn't opened up the boxed set of materials at all, but that has finally happened, so I figure that I will show folks here what was in the boxed set that I received, as well as opening the GM Screen for the game and showing what that looks like as well. So on with this unboxing blog entry, the second part...
First up, here's the art print that came with the Kickstarter pledge material. This shows the cover illustration for the game without any text on it. It really is a lovely, yet strong, piece of art and gives the viewer a good idea of what the game is about.
Next up is the Read Me First sheet. Informative. What else can I say? :)
Next up are the two core books for the game. First up is the Rules book which has everything for creating characters, the rule mechanics and the combat mechanics. Everything that one could want in regards to the game system. The Adventure Book contains 11 adventures for the game that form a mini-campaign in and of themselves, set in the Misty Vale (more on that shortly). On first glance, they all seem to be pretty decent adventures.
This is followed by a small booklet with some material about running the game as well as information and material on running and playing the game solo.
Next up, the game provides the sheets for five (5) pre-generated player characters, double-sided. I've included here a photo of the game sheet side of one of the characters, as well as what the other side of the sheets look like. The various races (called Kin in the game) are all represented in this group of characters.
The game also provides a pair of sheets of cardboard punch-out character and monster standees, for use with the battlemat (see below). Not sure whether I'll use these or not, but they're interesting. Note that I've not included a photo of the plastic stands for use with these figures.
The game also includes a pair of battlemats depicting different terrain, on a double-sided cardboard sheet. Useful for visualising combat, and with the cardboard punch-out character and monster standees (noted above). Not sure I'll be using these, but useful to have.
The game also comes with a magnificent, large map of the Misty Vale, the basic part of the game world provided with the boxed set, rendered by brilliant master cartographer
Francesca Baerald. This version is the paper map, but let me tell you, the cloth version of the map (which I have not included a photo of in this or the previous group of photos) is even better looking. Just superb!
The game also includes a set of ten dice including two special D20s, illustrated playing cards for Adventures, Treasures and more, and a set of plastic stands for the standees (the latter are not shown). The dice are very nice, and have Dragon and Demon symbols on them. The cards are solid enough, and can be used with relative ease in the game.
Finally, one can buy a GM Screen for the
Dragonbane RPG separately that is not included with the boxed set. It's solid, it's sturdy, and seems quite useful - even if it's missing a few charts I'd like to have seen.
Overall, a most impressive rpg boxed set that includes a good amount of material and some interesting gaming products. The quality of the material is excellent, but that's to be expected of
Free League Publishing. That said, it seems to be missing any information on the Misty Vale other than what might be in the eleven Adventures provided. Still, lovely stuff.