It's another of these partially cloudy days in Ottawa today. The sun is currently out, but at least the air outside is relatively clean, other than the pollen. The temperature is currently 23oC and is going up to around 29oC today, with only moderate humidity. Had a pretty miserable evening after the grocery shopping and errands yesterday afternoon, and managed very little sleep. I'm still suffering from the allergies, and my right shoulder, arm, and back are very bad today, and throw in the diarrhea that I've been having and...well, let's just say I've felt better.
I'll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend but I'm not sure what's happening after that as it depends on Tammy's work schedule. She's working for the next two weeks so... Gotta get in the game sessions when I can.
The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the
Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I'm going to run this afternoon. They'll be continuing on with the first case file (scenario) I've got worked out (mostly) for them. I'm quite looking forward to the game. :)
In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit, have a bit more water. Then I need to make some notes on a few scenario elements before the players arrive.
Have a good afternoon, folks. :)