Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming

May 21, 2023 12:05

It's a relatively pleasant day here in Ottawa. The sun is peeking out from time to time, there's a dampness in the air that hints at rain to come, and the temperature is going up to around 22oC.

As I'm not attending the local gaming convention here in Ottawa, CanGames, this weekend, I'll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group this afternoon; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I'm quite looking forward to this. The players had a decent time of it last week, and I think they're looking forward to gaming again today.

The Sunday afternoon group will be continuing on with the DC Heroes RPG campaign set at the Legion Academy during the pre-Crisis days of the Legion of Super-Heroes they played last week. I'm quite looking forward to the gaming session today. :)

In the meantime, I need to head upstairs and put my feet up for a while. My left foot is hurting me quite a bit today. Going to take a painkiller before the players show up.

Have a good afternoon, folks. :)

diabetes, rpg hut, convention, sunday gaming group, cangames, rpg chat, legion of super-heroes, foot problems, health hut, personal, dc heroes rpg, diabetic ulcer, ottawa, weather

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