It has been a very typical mid-November day today here in Ottawa. Some snow flurries throughout the day with temperatures hovering around the -1oC mark. Not too windy, but definitely a day for me to stay inside. My right shoulder, upper back and arm are hurting quite a lot, as I've re-injured them again. Add to that a new footcare person on Wednesday who cut me twice during treatment, and I'm doing...well, not great.
I'll be gaming with the Friday night gaming group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I'm looking forward to it. We'll still be taking health precautions this evening, of course, as everyone wants to game but knows we have to play it safe in this time of COVID-19 and the seventh (or is it the eighth?) wave of the Omicron variant of the virus. Everyone wants to game, but knows we have to play it safe in this time of the continuing pandemic.
Tonight, the Friday night gamers will be continuing the first scenario they're playing in the
Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying RPG, a Gothic horror roleplaying game set in a mythic Scandinavia sometime in the mid-1800s. I'm quite looking forward to the game this evening. :)
In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make something light, but hot, for supper.
Have a good evening, folks. :)