Since I know that a lot of my gaming friends and peeps are going to this year's
GenCon 2021, and will be heading out sooner rather than later, I want to wish all of you a very happy GenCon.
Be safe, be healthy, be happy, have good gaming experiences, don't go too crazy in the dealer's room, have more good gaming experiences, and don't forget to blog and post pics and all that good stuff. Oh, and remember not to come home with con crud! :)
Speaking of con crud... To be honest, in this time of COVID-19 and the current fourth wave of the coronavirus, I think it's crazy that the convention organizers in Indianapolis are going ahead with the in-person convention this year, and I think it's even crazier that there are gamers and others out there who are going to potentially risk their health (even if they have been vaccinated and plan to maintain social distancing and all the other guidelines) this year by going to the convention. There are folks, both gamers and game companies, who've already declared that they won't be attending GenCon this year due to the health concerns surrounding the ongoing pandemic, and I applaud their sane and sensible decision. If you go to the convention, regardless of your vaccination status, catching coronavirus will be a heck of a lot worse than the standard con crud.
All of that said, while I am totally envious of you guys and gals going to the convention, I'm not sorry that I'm not going this year (and likely will never again). No hassles with gaming schedules, air flights, hotel accommodation, the poor Canadian dollar, and various other aspects that I would have stressed over. Not to mention my general and specific health concerns that are ongoing at the moment.
Anyway, to all the folks going to GenCon, 2021 this year, be *very*, very safe and healthy. But still have fun! :)