International Nurses Day

May 12, 2021 10:45

Today, like every May 12th, is International Nurses Day.

This day is celebrated to honour Florence Nightingale, who was born on this day, and celebrates the service and dedication that nurses bring to their jobs, and the love that nurses the world over hold for their patients and makes them so self-sacrificing. For the most part, it honours the contribution that nurses make to our society as a whole.

International Nurses Day is triple-y important this year, as the world struggles to deal with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, killing both patients and health workers alike. The dedication, the overtime, the sheer stamina of nurses in these difficult times makes them even more heroic than Superman, and proves that super-heroes exist among us in real life.

To all the Nurses out there who do the work that they do... *THANK YOU!*

And please stay safe, stay healthy, and continue the fabulous, brave work that you do.

coronavirus, health hut, celebration, holiday, covid-19, international nurses day, pandemic

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