Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming

May 25, 2018 17:57

The Friday gaming group has decided that we are going to play this evening!

And I was surprised, to be honest. Given that I've got con crud (though felt better this afternoon), I wasn't sure the players would want to play and take the chance they might catch it, but they've decided we've had enough breaks, sick days, holidays and the like and they just want to game. That said, I'm feeling up to gaming tonight, so will see how much I lose my voice and all that. Hot tea tonight, methinks.

The players informed me through their spokesperson, Kathy, that they want to create their characters for the Torg Eternity RPG, so am quite looking forward to seeing what they come up with as a group.

This will be the first time in quite some time that the Friday night gamers meet and game. Really looking forward to the game tonight. Supper awaits.

Have a good night, folks. :)

health hut, personal, character creation, con crud, rpg hut, torg eternity rpg, friday gaming group

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