Wednesday Night Game Report - The Dark Eye Character Creation, Part Two

Jan 18, 2018 16:30

Had a good gaming session with the Wednesday night group.

As noted in this previous blog entry, the Wednesday night players were in the process of creating their characters for the The Dark Eye RPG campaign that I plan to run, so we continued the process last night. The thing is, as readers can see from the previous post, the Wednesday nighters started the process off over 2 months ago (back in November, 2017)!

After the players had arrived, we chatted about the week for about 10 minutes or so and when I was ready to get started again, we started off where we'd left off 2 months before. Sort of. Started with a recap of the various character creation sections and went over with the players what they'd done so far to create their characters, hoping to get them into the mindset of the game and their characters once more. Suffice it to say, the players were all pretty pleased with their characters once the evening was wrapped up, and it looks like they've got a good group of players. Once we finished dealing with the game mechanics and wrapped up character creation, the players sat back for a bit and chatted about what they saw the character group as being like. Suffice to say, an interesting group of player characters. Here's what the player created as their characters...

Donna - Donna gave it some thought, but she eventually settled on Nesima Majulasunni, an Aranian thief from Baburin being hunted for a jewel that she stole from an important emir. She's not sure if he wants her dead or alive.

DavidW - David got tired of playing fighter types, and wanted something different. He settled on Phedro Torrean, a Blessed One of Hesinde from the Horasian Empire, who is seeking knowledge of various sorts (he's somewhat secretive about this), and is travelling Aventuria for this reason.

Kendall - Kendall broke out of the personal stereotype as well, and created Carisia the Swift, a noble from the Horasian Empire who got bored of her life and became a mercenary. She's been travelling with Phedro (due to circumstances that will be revealed in play) and has been learning a form of "inner peace" from him, even as she continues to fight and defend for a living.

Crystal - Crystal struggled a bit in her decision of what to play but settled on a good concept. Domela Oakinger is a young woman who escaped her life in Andergast and found she was very good with animals and they liked her. She's an Animal Tamer now, and finds she likes wandering Aventuria, making money with her skills, and will never go back to her old life.

This session of character creation for The Dark Eye RPG went pretty well, and the players wrapped up their characters for the game. We didn't get a chance to get into any basics about the rules (once more) or some sample combats, but I was very pleased with their characters. There's some interesting relationships among the player characters that will be fun to explore, so I'm looking forward to running the game next month.

character creation, rpg hut, the dark eye rpg, wednesday gaming group, gaming hut

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