Mar 17, 2017 16:02
Got home about 20 minutes ago from my appointment with the diabetic nurse at the Riverside Hospital Diabetes Centre.
The news is more positive than it is bad, but I don't know how much I got out of the appointment.
I got to the hospital for my 1:00 pm appointment around 10 to the hour, but ended up sitting and waiting for over 20 minutes before I got to see the diabetic nurse. That did not help my mood at all. Suffice it to say we talked about a lot of stuff pertaining to how I'm doing with the diabetes and all, and came to several conclusions. I'm going to try some white bread and regular grains again, rather than the whole wheat, and I'm going to alter the time I have my snack every day somewhat. Since they are discontinuing my Breeze2 diabetes glucose monitoring meter, I got a couple of meters through the Centre that I'll try and see how they work for me. (Not going to say anything else about that for now.) Finally, I'm going to adjust the insulin dose up somewhat, as my blood sugar readings are a bit high at one point in the day. So we'll see how that goes as well.
Anyway, going to take it easy for half an hour, as I've got gaming this evening, and I just need a bit of downtime for the moment.
health hut,
diabetes clinic,